Giving Spirit program

In January 2021 we introduced our “Giving Spirit” program: each quarter, SMWS Canada donates to charity 100% of its profit from the sales of a designated bottle.

January 2024 will mark the 4th year of our program, and to date we’ve donated over $18,000.00 to various charities thanks to the bottles you’ve purchased! This past April we chose The Ocean Cleanup as our recipient charity: “a nonprofit environmental engineering organization that develops technology to extract plastic pollution from the oceans and to capture it in rivers before it can reach the ocean" and we have donated over $1829.30 from the sales of Cask No. 78.65 “Garbanzo's cajun train ride.”

This quarter we’re focusing our attention on The War Amps: “Making a difference in the lives of  amputees by providing financial assistance for artificial limbs, peer support and information on all aspects of living with amputation.”

 Our Giving Spirit bottle this quarter is Cask No. GN6.3 "Yearning for bubbles" - we’ll donate 100% of our profits from the sales of this bottle to The War Amps.

We hope you’ll continue to support the Giving Spirit program by buying a great bottle of whisky and supporting an important and urgent cause—that’s something to raise a glass to!