Bottle - Cask # 33.134, Peat roasted pig Hawaiian style
Cask No. 33.134, Peat roasted pig Hawaiian style
Peat roasted pig Hawaiian style

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Cask No. 33.134 Peated

Peat roasted pig Hawaiian style

sold out


We were invited to a luau feast in Hawaii to experience traditional Kālua cooking using an imu. A whole pig, very well salted and wrapped in ti and banana leaves and finally in a wet burlap sack, was being slow roasted for a whole day surrounded by sweet potatoes, bananas and fish in an underground oven - a pit layered and covered with hot rocks and sand. Let’s try it - salty, sweet and smoky, juicy and succulent on the inside and the caramelized bark is chewy, crispy and crunchy. Now imagine all of this with peat – a mouth-watering proposition!


Age 8
Date Distilled May 2007
Cask Type 2nd fill butt
Region Islay
Outturn 648 bottles
ABV 60.9 %